The New Forest boasts an impressive array of uncommon and special butterfly species. Being...
Supplementary planning documents
National policy confirms planning authorities may prepare Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to provide greater detail on their Local Plan policies.
SPDs cannot create new planning policy (which should be subject to independent examination), but they can supplement and provide further detail on adopted policies. Once formally consulted on, SPDs are material considerations in determining planning applications.
Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents
We have adopted a number of SPDs to provide greater detail on particular aspects of the Local Plan for the National Park. Details of the adopted SPDs are below with the document downloads on the right.
Revised Hyde Village Design Statement SPD – adopted July 2022
The revised Hyde Village Design Statement was adopted as a supplementary planning document on 14 July 2022 following a period of public consultation. The document provides design guidance for the area of the parish of Hyde within the New Forest National Park. As part of the adoption process we have published:
- The revised Hyde Village Design Statement SPD
- An ‘Adoption Statement’
- A ‘Consultation Statement’ summarising the responses received on the draft document and how they have been taken into account
National Park Design Guide SPD – adopted January 2022
The updated New Forest National Park Design Guide SPD was formally adopted on 27 January 2022. It supplements the adopted Local Plan policies and provides design guidance for the whole of the National Park area. Further details can be found at Design guide – New Forest National Park Authority
New Forest National Park Revised Habitat Mitigation Scheme SPD – adopted July 2020
We adopted the New Forest National Park Revised Habitat Mitigation Scheme SPD on Thursday 9th July 2020. It comes into effect immediately and replaces the habitat mitigation scheme contained within Chapter 6 and Annex 5 of the Development Standards SPD (2012). It provides guidance on the implementation of Local Plan Policy SP5: Nature conservation sites of international importance and sets out a package of mitigation measures to address the recreational impacts of new development in the National Park on the integrity of the New Forest’s internationally designated sites.
After the new Local Plan for the National Park was adopted in August 2019, we also reviewed the weight that can be given to the adopted SPDs. These details are set out in a separate ‘addendum’ for each SPD dated October 2019.
- Wellow Village Design Statement SPD (adopted March 2011)
Helps influence the design of new development within the area of the parish of Wellow within the National Park. - Landford Village Design Statement SPD (adopted March 2011)
Helps influence the design of new development within the area of the parish of Landford within the National Park. - Guidelines for Horse-Related Development SPD (adopted September 2011)
Provides more detailed guidance to ensure that horse-related development conserves the special landscape of the New Forest. The SPD supplements the Local Plan policies on recreational horse keeping, stables and field shelters and maneges. - New Forest National Park Design Guide SPD (adopted December 2011)
Provides design guidance to help achieve high standards of design in new development proposals. The Design Guide (2011) has now been replaced in full by the updated National Park Design Guide SPD (January 2022) and so the previous Design Guide no longer has weight as a material planning consideration. - Hyde Village Design Statement SPD (revised version adopted July 2022)
Helps influence the design of new development within the area of the parish of Hyde within the National Park. - Development Standards SPD (adopted September 2012)
Sets out more detail on the requirements for car parking provision associated with new development, sustainable construction and open space provision. The SPD also provides additional guidance on our affordable housing requirements and further details can be found here. - Ashurst and Colbury Village Design Statement (adopted June 2013)
Helps influence the design of new development within the parish of Ashurst and Colbury. - Boldre Parish Design Statement (adopted September 2013)
Helps influence the design of new development within the parish of Boldre. - Sway Village Design Statement (adopted September 2013)
Helps influence the design of new development within the parish of Sway. - Hordle Village Design Statement (adopted January 2015)
Helps influence the design of new development within the area of the parish of Hordle within the National Park.
We are continuing to work alongside the local communities preparing Village Design Statements, which will be presented for adoption as SPD where they complement our planning policies and have fulfilled the statutory requirements for public consultation.
Village Design Statement SPDs
- Wellow Village Design Statement SPD
- Hyde Village Design Statement SPD
- Landford Village Design Statement SPD
- Ashurst and Colbury Village Design Statement SPD
- Sway Village Design Statement SPD
- Boldre Parish Design Statement SPD
- Hordle Village Design Statement
- Ashurst & Colbury Village Design Statement Addendum
- Boldre Village Design Statement Addendum
- Hordle Village Design Statement Addendum
- Hyde Village Design Statement Addendum
- Landford Village Design Statement Addendum
- Sway Village Design Statement Addendum
- Wellow Village Design Statement Addendum
Guidelines for Horse-Related Development SPD
National Park Design Guide SPD - January 2022
Development Standards SPD
Revised Habitat Mitigation Scheme SPD
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