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Submit planning application

This section contains useful information about the application process.

How to apply

Please submit your planning application through the Planning Portal website:
A duty officer is available on the telephone (01590 646615) from 10.00am to 11.45am, Tuesday to Thursday to assist with general planning enquiries from members of the public. This is a free service. We can only accept payment by credit card or online payment. We are able to take card payments between 9am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4pm each day by phone (quoting the relevant case number) to 01590 646600 option 5.

The best way to make a planning application is online using the government’s Planning Portal website. You can ask for pre-application advice from us, checking what fees are due and looking through our checklists of required forms. Alternatively, you can submit a paper application using the forms within this section.
The application process

The application process

Guidance on applying

Guidance on applying

Application forms and checklists

Application forms and checklists

Supporting documents

Supporting documents

National Park Member


'Read our guidance notes before applying to save yourself time in the long run.'

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