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How enforcement works

After you contact us we will investigate whether a breach of planning control has taken place.

We will work with the relevant person to establish the facts of the case to enable us to determine the most appropriate course of action.

Where there is insufficient evidence of a breach or no breach is found we will let you know that no further action will be taken.

Where a breach has occurred, in all but the most serious cases, we will seek the most efficient and proportionate way of remedying the breach which may include the opportunity to submit an application

Where the person responsible fails to take sufficient steps to resolve the matter the Authority will gather enough evidence to be satisfied that formal action is justified.

Finally, based on the facts of the case, we will decide whether it is appropriate to take formal enforcement action based on government and local policy.

More New Forest Enforcement: report a breach

In this section you can find out what a planning breach is and learn about enforcement.

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