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The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires local planning authorities to produce monitoring reports on at least a yearly basis. The report should:

  • monitor the progress of the local development documents set out in the Local Development Scheme
  • monitor the effectiveness of the policies set out in the local development documents

The Annual Monitoring Report covers the period from 1 April one year to 31 March the following year.

These reports are supplemented by the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report which sets out minerals and waste data for the Hampshire area (including the whole of the New Forest National Park) over the same periods.

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'Our planning policies have been developed to ensure our duties to conserve and enhance the National Park are incorporated in all planning decisions.'

More New Forest Planning policy

Planning policy is a key statutory function and plays a central role in the achievement of the two National Park purposes and the related socio-economic duty.

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