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Rural communities fund

This fund helps improve local countryside access and information in the New Forest National Park area.

Funds are available to parish councils and landowners with ideas for projects that will improve access to, or information about, the local countryside. In addition, any organisation or group may apply to produce publicity materials. Grants are available for up to 75% of the total project cost, typically up to a total grant of £5,000.

Within the National Park area, projects in Hampshire are joint-funded by Hampshire County Council and the National Park Authority. Outside Hampshire, all the funding is provided by the National Park Authority.

Eligible projects

Projects that are eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Path resurfacing and drainage
  • Replacement of stiles with kissing gates
  • Installation of benches
  • Provision of a countryside access map board
  • Production of countryside access leaflets.
Further information

For more information about the scheme please visit the Hampshire County Council webpage.

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