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Useful contacts

Steve Avery, Executive Director (Strategy and Planning). Tel: 01590 646659

Paul Walton, Head of Environment and Rural Economy. Tel: 01590 646631

Nigel Stone, Head of Resources. Tel: 01590 646655

David Illsley, Policy Manager. Tel: 01590 646672

Hilary Makin, Communications Manager. Tel: 01590 646608

Jim Mitchell, Access and Learning Manager. Tel: 01590 646681

David Stone, Corporate Services Manager. Tel: 01590 646645

Lucie Cooper, Planning Enforcement Manager. Tel: 01590 646623

Rosalind Alderman, Solicitor and Monitoring Officer. Email

Some legal services are provided by Hampshire County Council and some financial services are provided by New Forest District Council under the terms of Service Level Agreements.

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