The New Forest boasts an impressive array of uncommon and special butterfly species. Being...
Partnering with us
We are actively seeking new opportunities to work with businesses.
The New Forest is home to 34,000 residents and hosts 15.2 million visitor days a year.
We have an international reputation in wildlife conservation and a strong national profile through UK National Parks.
Discover how a pilot project aimed at bringing back lost biodiversity in two of the UK’s National Parks could pave the way for land managers to attract private finance for nature restoration schemes to help meet the UK’s emissions target of net zero by 2050.
Learn more about the Green Halo partnership bringing together businesses, universities, charities and communities to ensure our world class environment in and around the New Forest National Park flourishes as an integral part of our wider area’s thriving economy and society.
Join us in preserving this unique area of Britain and let us show you how a partnership with us can benefit your business.
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