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Local produce

Sample tasty local produce and quirky crafts on your visit to the New Forest.

Local produce

The New Forest National Park is blessed with a huge range of local people and businesses that produce high quality local produce. Get the authentic New Forest experience by buying locally wherever you can when you visit and looking out for the New Forest Marque on products.

The New Forest National Park Authority is proud to support the New Forest Marque which helps promote businesses involved in the production, processing and distribution of local produce – businesses for whom the New Forest is at the heart of their product.
By shopping locally and buying New Forest Marque goods from our small-scale producers who are closely linked with the landscape you can help nature and also reduce your carbon footprint. Your support helps ensure the New Forest National Park remains a special place into the future.

Our collective actions are influencing the future of the New Forest, including its nature, wildlife, infrastructure, communities and working Forest.
Since the New Forest National Park was established in 2005, it’s been recognised that the climate crisis is the most significant long-term threat to this extraordinary landscape. By acting together now and buying local produce, we can make a positive difference to the local area and to the planet.
Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts

Food and drink

Food and drink



Where to buy

Where to buy

Head of Environment and Rural Economy


'The New Forest Marque is the sign of true local food, drink and crafts.'

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