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Minerals and waste

The New Forest National Park Authority is the minerals and waste planning authority for the National Park.

The Authority is working in partnership with Hampshire County Council, Southampton and Portsmouth City Councils and the South Downs National Park Authority to produce the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework. This currently comprises the adopted Minerals and Waste Plan and Policies Map, which cover the whole of the New Forest National Park (including the small area within Wiltshire).

Partial Update to the Hampshire Minerals & Waste Plan – Regulation 22 Submission of documents to the Secretary of State

The authority and partners (collectively known as the Hampshire Authorities) are working on a partial update to the adopted Minerals and Waste Plan which will guide minerals and waste decision-making in the Plan area until 2040. The partial update to the Plan will build upon the currently adopted Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (2013), eventually providing new and updated policies based on up-to-date evidence of the current levels of provision for minerals and waste facilities in the Plan Area. Importantly, the partially updated Plan aims to establish the future levels of provision required to meet national and regional policy targets and objectives. It will set out an updated vision of how this will be achieved and provide details of strategic sites to help deliver the vision.

The Hampshire Authorities are now submitting the plan for independent examination, under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

To date, information gathering consultations have been completed to inform the Plan, under Regulation 18 (of the Local Planning (England) Regulations 2012) between 2022 and 2024.

The Proposed Submission Plan was consulted on for six weeks, beginning on 9 January 2024 and ending 5 March 2024. The Proposed Submission Plan, the evidence base and all representations received are being submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.

The Proposed Submission Plan and supporting documents are available to view on Hampshire County Council’s dedicated website at the link below:

Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan – Partial Update | Hampshire County Council (

Regulation 22 Notice of Submission of Documents to the Secretary of State and Statement of Fact as to Availability


The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan 2013-2030

This Plan incorporates an aggregates target, reflects updated national planning policy and contains a number of strategic minerals and waste site allocations. It will be used to assess minerals and waste planning applications within the National Park for the period up to 2030.

The Hampshire authorities adopted the Plan on 15 October 2013 and you can find out more about the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan from Hampshire County Council’s website. 

Supplementary Planning Documents

Two supplementary planning documents (SPD) covering (i) Oil & Gas Development; and (ii) Minerals & Waste Safeguarding were subject to public consultation between June and August 2015. The minerals and waste planning authorities in Hampshire have considered the consultation responses received and made any necessary amendments. The authorities formally adopted these SPDs in February 2016 and copies are available to download below, with more details available on Hampshire County Council’s website.

Adopted Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan 2013

National Park Member


'Our planning policies have been developed to ensure our duties to conserve and enhance the National Park are incorporated in all planning decisions.'

More New Forest Planning policy

Planning policy is a key statutory function and plays a central role in the achievement of the two National Park purposes and the related socio-economic duty.

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