Freedom of information
Using the link on the right of this page you will find information about how the Freedom of Information Act applies to the New Forest National Park Authority, the information we publish as part of our publication scheme and how to request information from us.
The scheme is a guide to the information we routinely publish. It is not a comprehensive list of documents but rather it is a description of the classes or types of information published.
We have produced a guidance leaflet which provides more information on the scheme.
We also operate an appeals procedure in the event that we decide to apply one of the exemptions permitted under the Act in not releasing the information you requested.
To make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 or to request your own information under the General Data Protection Regulation, please use the form below or email us at including your name, contact details and a description of the information that you are seeking.
*Denotes a required field.