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England Coast Path

The England Coast Path is the UK’s newest National Trail. It stretches for 2780 miles round England’s coast, linking with the Wales Coast Path and Scottish Open Access. When finished it will be one of the world’s longest walking trails.  

As the Access Authority it’s our role to assist Natural England establish the England Coast Path. We are delighted to have opened the western-most three miles of the Calshot to Gosport section of the England Coast Path. We look forward to working with local landowners and contractors to establish the Highcliffe to Calshot section.   

The England Coast Path creates the right to roam across land seaward of the path. Some land may be excluded from this open access for a variety of reasons including if it is important to wildlife, dangerous for public access, is a private garden or the curtilage of a property. Much of the New Forest coastline is important to nature and is often made of mud flats which can be dangerous for you or your pet to explore. Please follow local signs showing you where the excepted land is located for your safety and to protect our fragile and sensitive habitats.

Map of the England Coast Path starting at Calshot. It also reads where can I walk? Please follow the England Coast Path, marked by pink dots on the map and waymarked with directional signs. Due to dangerous mud flats and high tides, the areas marked in orange do not have public access. These areas are also important for wildlife.

For more information about the England Coast Path please visit the National Trails website at the following links: 

The England Coast Path is a work in progress. You can visit the Natural England website to view the proposed routes and progress along those routes. 

For any questions please contact the National Park Access Ranger Adam Vasey on 07384 517633 or email

National Park Volunteer and Access Officer


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