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With greater understanding about natural capital and the benefits it provides – to health and wellbeing, the economy and sustainable living – we can put the enhancement of these ecosystem services at the centre of plans to shape this special place – making it an even greater area to live or work in and to visit.

We aim to be recognised across the world for our commitment to integrating nature and our natural environment with a thriving, economically successful community.

The Green Halo Partnership is open to all organisations which are ready and willing to commit time, energy and resources to protecting and enhancing natural capital, and so ecosystem services in and around the National Park. There is no geographic limit to membership.

Membership of the Partnership means those joining acknowledge their responsibility to our environment by signing up to the vision set out above and committing to taking into account natural capital and ecosystem services in their planning, budgeting and decision-making wherever possible. The decisions they face will often be complex, but members will undertake to do what they can whenever they are able to protect and enhance natural capital.

Join us

Find out how you and your organisation can get involved by emailing, or call Paul Walton on 01590 646631.

Chief Executive


'We are working with businesses to create a world class environment and world class economy here in the south.'

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