The New Forest boasts an impressive array of uncommon and special butterfly species. Being...
Design guide
The New Forest National Park Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was formally adopted on 27 January 2022 and is a key part of our planning guidance for the National Park.
As an SPD, it conforms with, and supplements many of the policies set out in our adopted local planning policies, as well as national policy and guidance on design-related matters. It is a material consideration in determining planning applications and planning appeals, and applies throughout the whole of the National Park.
The Design Guide aims to achieve high standards of design in new development while retaining and enhancing the distinctive character of the natural and built environment.
It supports the pre-application process by providing guidance to help applicants, agents and others to respond to the features and rural characteristics that make the New Forest special when designing their proposals.
The updated National Park Design Guide SPD (January 2022) replaces the previous Design Guide SPFD (2011) in full. Following the formal adoption of the new Design Guide SPD on 27 January 2022 the following documents are available:
- New Forest National Park Design Guide SPD (January 2022)
- Adoption Statement
- Consultation Statement
(See links below to download these documents)
National Park Design Guide SPD - January 2022
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