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If you wish to remove a hedgerow in the New Forest then it is likely that you will need to notify us.

A hedgerow is ‘important’ if it is more than 30 years old or matches additional criteria set out in the Hedgerow Regulations.

To carry out works to or remove a hedgerow subject to the regulations, you must first submit a hedgerow removal notice to us using this form.

We will then either permit the work or serve a hedgerow retention notice if we deem the hedgerow to be important.

Please note: we have no powers to deal with high hedge complaints.

Even if a hedge is growing within the New Forest National Park boundary, the legal controls are dealt with by the District or Borough council in whose area the hedge is growing. For the New Forest this could be

Senior Tree Officer


'Our work protects special and important trees that contribute to the character of the New Forest.'

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