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Planning application fees

All planning application fees should be paid at the time the application is submitted. To help you calculate the correct fee please use:

Payment can be made:

  • Online – when submitting an application via the Planning Portal
  • Credit / debit card – please call 01590 646600 (Option 1)
  • Cheque – please make cheques payable to: New Forest National Park Authority.

Monitoring fees

The Authority also charges fees for the monitoring of approved developments that have entered into a Section 106 agreement or unilateral undertaking. This is in accordance with legislation (‘The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019’) and the following schedule of fees was approved by Authority Members in December 2019.

Band 1: 1-5 dwellings or up to 1ha of land Band 2: 6-10 dwellings or up to 3ha of land Band 3: 11-49 dwellings or up to 10ha of land Band 4: 50+ dwellings or more than 10ha of land
Percentage increase 0% 20% 40% 80%
Monitoring fee per covenant £284 £284 x 1.2 = £340.80 £284 x 1.4 = £397.60 £284 x 1.8 = £511.20

National Park Member


'Read our guidance notes before applying to save yourself time in the long run.'

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