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The New Forest is an ideal place to leave the car at home and enjoy a relaxing bike ride.


Make the most of cycling in the New Forest by trying our cycle routes. The National Park has many quiet country lanes, perfect for cycling, as well as over 100 miles of way-marked cycle tracks across the Crown Lands of the Forest. It's easy to hop off a train and go for a cycle ride. Make sure you take care of yourself and the environment by following our New Forest Cycling Code.
Cycling routes

Cycling routes

Cycle hire

Cycle hire

Cycling guide

Cycling guide

PEDALL – New Forest Inclusive Cycling

PEDALL – New Forest Inclusive Cycling

National Park Member


'Please only cycle on the waymarked tracks and other designated routes.'

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Dan Snow on a Forest at war

Dan Snow on a Forest at war

Dan Snow is a much-loved historian and television presenter and has lived with his family in the New Forest since...

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UK National Parks become first in world to join Race to Zero

UK National Parks become first in world to join Race to Zero

Joint press release with UK National Parks The UK’s National Parks have become the first in the world to join...

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