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This section enables you to view or comment on current planning applications.

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View or comment on application forms and drawings submitted by people applying for planning permission using the links below.
By proceeding to view applications you agree to read and abide by the copyright conditions and should be aware of how your personal data will be protected. Search the My Property Map to see if you live within the National Park boundary.
Please note that, due to our transition to new planning software, there are currently issues with older applications where documents are shown as a TIF file format which may not open correctly without using different software or settings on a viewers computer. On these applications documents with multiple pages have also been separated so that each page is a separate document. We are aware of these issues and they are logged with our new software provider to resolve them. Please accept our apologies in the interim.
Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood planning

Wellow Neighbourhood Plan – 'made July 2024' The...

Material planning considerations

Material planning considerations

What are material planning considerations? When reviewing your...

Guide to viewing

Guide to viewing

Using the Citizen Portal About the Citizen Portal...

Guide to commenting

Guide to commenting

Online: Go to view planning applications and search for the...

Executive Director (Strategy & Planning)


'Our planning work promotes high standards of design in development while retaining and enhancing the Forest’s character.'

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Dan Snow on a Forest at war

Dan Snow on a Forest at war

Dan Snow is a much-loved historian and television presenter and has lived with his family in the New Forest since...

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UK National Parks become first in world to join Race to Zero

UK National Parks become first in world to join Race to Zero

Joint press release with UK National Parks The UK’s National Parks have become the first in the world to join...

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