The New Forest boasts an impressive array of uncommon and special butterfly species. Being...
Design guidance
Policies referring to building design are contained in the adopted New Forest National Park Local Plan 2016 – 2036.
The policies relevant to design are contained in Chapter 6 – Protecting and Enhancing the Historic and Built Environment.
We publish a number of supplementary planning documents which provide design guidance:
- New Forest National Park Design Guide
- Guidelines for Horse-Related Development
- A number of adopted Village Design Statements.
National Park Design Guide SPD – January 2022
The updated National Park Design Guide SPD was formally adopted on 27 January 2022. This supports the adopted Local Plan policies and is consistent with national policy and guidance on design-related matters. Find out more:
Building design guidance
Village Design Statement SPDs
Guidelines for Horse-Related Development SPD
National Park Design Guide SPD - January 2022
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