The New Forest boasts an impressive array of uncommon and special butterfly species. Being...
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan – consultation
The Ringwood Neighbourhood Area (within the New Forest National Park) was designated by the Authority in February 2021.
The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan has been approved for submission by Ringwood Town Council under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations there is a final six-week period for representations to be made.
Click here to comment (make a representation) on the draft Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan
The closing date for representations to be made is 3pm on Friday 29 September 2023.
The following documents are available to view for the six-week consultation period:
Draft Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan
Appendix A – Ringwood Strategic Masterplan
Appendix B – Ringwood Design Guidance and Codes
Appendix C – Ringwood Local Distinctiveness SPD
Appendix D – Local Heritage Assets
Policy Maps
Basic Conditions Statement
Consultation Statement
Schedule of Evidence
Statement of Representations Procedure
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