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Report a problem

If you see a problem which you think should be reported, please get in touch with the relevant organisation as listed below.

Thank you for helping to protect the New Forest.

Litter and fly tipping

On the Open Forest or Forest car parks call Forestry England on 0300 067 4600.

On New Forest District Council land or car parks, and on roadsides, report online or call 023 8028 5000. 

On Wiltshire Council land or car parks please use the online reporting tool.

Responsibility for clearing excessive litter and fly tipping depends on who owns the land and in which district or county it is.

More information on our litter webpage including what’s being done across the New Forest to reduce littering.

Wild camping and overnight stays in Forest car parks

To report an incident call Forestry England on 0300 067 4600 (24-hour number – please be ready to explain where the incident is).

Wild camping is not allowed in the New Forest and this includes no overnight stays in Forest car parks. 

We and other organisations are encouraging people to plan ahead when visiting the New Forest, and to book accommodation in advance

BBQs, gas burners, naked flames and fires

If you see a fire, get to a safe place and call 999 immediately.

To report a BBQ or other naked flame call 0300 067 4600 (Forestry England, 24 hrs).

The call handler will pass the details to Forestry England’s local Duty Officer.

Barbecues, burners and fires of any kind are not allowed in any public area of the New Forest National Park. With increased signage, wide-ranging publicity and presence of rangers, keepers, the Police and Fire Service, the number of people using BBQs has fallen significantly.

The National Park Authority has led a successful campaign to encourage local retailers to stop selling disposable barbecues. You can read more about this and how you can help here.

Road traffic accident involving a pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep

Call 999 in an emergency or 101 for a non-emergency. You must report all accidents to the Police as soon as possible.

Great effort is put into reducing the number of commoners’ animals killed or injured on the New Forest’s unfenced roads. Find out more here. Sadly, accidents continue to happen, though at much lower rates than in the past.

We recommend you carry an Animal Accident Hotline Card with you in your car; these are available from our reception team or you can download the hotline card

Sick, injured or distressed pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep (not involved in a road traffic accident) (not deer)

Verderers’ Office 023 8028 2052 (Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm).

Forestry England 0300 067 4600 (24 hours)

All these animals belong to and are cared for by local people known as commoners. Verderers employ agisters to oversee the welfare of the animals and each covers a part of the Open Forest. They have the Agisters’ roster and will pass the details on to the Agister on duty. 

Please note: verderers, agisters and commoners do not deal with deer incidents. Here’s how to contact the Verderers.

Deer incidents

Please see this flow chart as it will depend on whether the animal is alive or dead, on or beside a road (or away from a road) and whether or not it is on Crown Land (managed by Forestry England).

There are five different species of deer in the Forest. They are quite common and are sometimes killed or injured in road traffic accidents or becoming tangled in fences.

Maintenance issues on roads, footpaths and bridleways

Potholes and other poor surfaces? Missing or damaged signs? Please report these types of maintenance issues direct to the relevant Highway Authority, using the online forms provided for Hampshire or Wiltshire.

Vehicles parked where they shouldn’t be

Persistent parking on Open Forest verges – please email Forestry England at

The Open Forest verges are mostly owned and managed by Forestry England which is working proactively with the Police on this issue, in particular through the use of window stickers that explain to drivers that deliberate damage to the designated habitats is a criminal offence

Find out more about why verges are special.  

Blocked gateway or access point

To report dangerous parking, call 101 (or 999 in emergency).

The Police can use enforcement when a vehicle is causing an obstruction (including gateways where access is needed). As with Forest verges, Forestry England staff are working with the Police to deal with this as resources allow.

Inconsiderate or dangerous street parking (where signs or yellow lines have been ignored)

In Hampshire.

In Wiltshire.

Council car parks

New Forest District Council is responsible for parking in its car parks, which you can see here. NFDC is also responsible for parking on other land which it owns.

Unlawful or unlicensed activity on Crown Land

A range of laws and byelaws determine what activities are lawful on the Open Forest, which is largely managed by Forestry England. Some activities are given specific permission.

You can report activities that are unlawful or unlicensed on Crown Land to Forestry England via their enquiries email. Examples include persistent cycling off the permitted routes, flying drones or large kites and using metal detectors.

Planning breach

If planning permission is not sought or not adhered to when building work takes place it is called a ‘planning breach’ and our enforcement team can investigate. Find out how to report a planning breach.

Lost dog

If you have lost your dog, please report it to New Forest District Council.

Problems associated with organised events, including cycle events

If you want to report issues with an event (or convey that it has been well organised) please first find the event here.

Urgent issues should be reported direct to the event organiser – their contact details or a weblink are often listed. Less urgent issues including observations reported after the event, should be given via the feedback option on the right.

Many events are assessed by the New Forest Safety Advisory Group (SAG) before being given permission to go ahead. Even events that do not need permission are often considered by the SAG.

Problem not here?
Please check out our page Who runs the National Park?
Can we do better?
Please tell us if we can improve the information on this page by emailing:
Our New Forest code
Help to care for the New Forest by sharing the New Forest code.

Get involved:

New Forest Ambassador scheme

Help record verge and gateway parking

Free litter picking kits

Welcoming visitors to the New Forest following Covid-19.

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