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Local List of Heritage Assets

Local List of Heritage Assets

The local list is a list of assets of architectural or historic interest which contribute to the character and appearance of the National Park. Special consideration is given to assets of local interest when planning proposals are submitted to us.

Nominate an asset for the Local List here

The local list is a non-statutory, local designation and differs from the designated Statutory List which is managed by Historic England and includes Grade I, II* and II listed buildings. The main difference is the level of control which is explained below. For guidance on statutory listed buildings please refer to the section on Listed Buildings. We have also prepared a guidance note (2021) on heritage assets within the National Park which is available on this webpage.

Planning authorities are encouraged by Historic England to identify assets of local interest. When we reviewed our conservation areas (between 2008 and 2010) extensive survey work was carried out to identify features which contributed to the character of each conservation area, including buildings of local interest. These were subject to public consultation at the time of the review. Buildings of local interest can be viewed on ‘My Property’ and a list is also available on this webpage.

At the moment the local list primarily comprises assets of local interest identified within conservation areas; with additional assets also included based on the information collated by local communities when developing their Village Design Statements; and also assets identified in response to planning applications. The Authority is also working on a more comprehensive review of the local list and this work will progress in 2021/22.

What does local listing mean?

Inclusion on the local list does not add any further controls that already apply to a building or site. It simply changes the level of consideration given to preserving its character and appearance when planning applications are submitted to us. The local list reinforces efforts to preserve the character and appearance of the National Park and enables the architectural or historic interest of these assets to be considered properly against development proposals submitted to us.

It also provides clarity for owners, the local community, developers and planning officers so they are aware of the interest of the asset as early as possible so avoiding unnecessary work or delays in the planning process.

The significance of assets of local interest is recognised in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), and chapter 6 of the adopted New Forest National Park Local Plan (2019) has been formulated to guide decisions on planning applications affecting assets of local and national interest. We have been supported by the Planning Inspectorate when trying to resist demolition of assets of local interest.

How are assets added to the local list?

So far we have primarily identified assets of local interest within conservation areas. Identifying assets of local interest has been an essential part of defining what is special about each conservation area.

We also work closely with local communities to assist with the production of Village Design Statements and this also plays a role in the identification of local assets. The Landford Village Design Statement (which has been approved as a Supplementary Planning Document) includes a list of buildings of special interest.

What criteria are used when considering adding buildings to the local list?

We use the following criteria prepared by Historic England to assess whether or not to include a building on the local list:

AgeAn asset that displays national or local trends/practices/way of life that is representative of a historic period or changes over time. Broadly speaking the older the asset is, the rarer it is likely to be.
Rarity/RepresentativityAn asset that is characteristic of the New Forest. Or a rare survival of an asset type less commonly found in the New Forest e.g. encroachment cottage or a commemorative monument.
Architectural/Artistic InterestThe intrinsic design and aesthetic value of an asset relating to local and/or national styles, materials, construction and craft techniques, or any other distinctive characteristics. This could be an example of outstanding modern design.
Group valueMultiple assets meeting the criteria that are linked by design or historic association. Related or designed landscapes that directly contribute to the setting of other assets should also be included under these criteria e.g. boundary walls or railings, or groups of estate buildings, terraces of cottages etc.
Archaeological InterestThe potential for evidence of past human activity above or below ground or in the wider landscape to add archaeological knowledge e.g. barrows, WW2 military remains etc.
Historic InterestThe asset has links to nationally or locally notable people, events, economic trends, or social/cultural history e.g. architects such as Heywood Sumner, or Arthur Hugh Clough, munition works, or Jubilee/Millennial commemorations.
Landmark StatusAn asset that is recognised as a landmark or a communal gathering point in the local area e.g. a village green, railway station, clock tower or memorial etc.
Community/Social ValueAn asset that creates a sense of belonging and/or shared identity and is valued by its local community or other interested communities. This could be because of the history, the spiritual association or how it is/was used within the community e.g. village hall or meeting room.

From: Historic England ‘Local Heritage Listing: Identifying and Conserving Local Heritage’ – Advice Note 7 (2021).

In Historic England’s view, any one of these characteristics could provide the basis for considering that an asset makes a positive contribution to the special interest of an area, provided that its historic form and values have not been seriously eroded by unsympathetic alterations.

Nominate an asset for the Local List here

Removal of an asset from the local list

There may be exceptional circumstances where removing an asset from the local list is justified. If you believe that an asset of local interest does not warrant designation a request can be made to remove it from the list. The process is as follows:

  1. The request should be submitted in writing to the address below, explaining why it is considered that the asset does not meet the criteria for inclusion.
  2. The request will then be assessed by the Executive Director of Strategy and Planning and the Building Conservation Officer against the criteria.
  3. The final decision will then be made in consultation with the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.


Building Conservation Officer
Tel: 01590 646658

New Forest National Park Authority
Lymington Town Hall,
Avenue Road
SO41 9ZG

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