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‘Enjoying the New Forest’ Survey

‘Enjoying the New Forest’ Survey

The ‘Enjoying the New Forest’ Survey 2024 is now live until 15 September.

The survey has been designed in partnership with Forestry England and Go New Forest.

Whether you live in or outside the New Forest, please tell us about your visit and you could be in with a chance of winning a one-night stay glamping in a bell tent or a day paddling in Beaulieu. A full breakdown and terms and conditions can be found on the files tab.

This survey should only take a few minutes to complete. We really appreciate any feedback on your visit and the information will help us make the New Forest an even better place to visit and help us look after this special landscape.

New Forest Visits Survey 2024

Please answer the questions related to your last visit to the New Forest.

1) How many people were in your group when you visited? *

2) Tell us about your group's age range. Enter a number for each category including yourself.*

3) Which gender would you describe yourself? *
4) Which ethnic group do you consider yourself belonging to? *
5) Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term illness that affects your health? *
6) Did you bring dogs on your visit? If yes, how many? *
7) Where are you staying during your visit? Select the option that best applies. *
8) Is this your first visit?
9) Which activities did you undertake during your visit? Please tick all that apply. *
10) How do you usually travel TO the New Forest? *
11) How do you usually travel WITHIN the New Forest? *
12) Is the New Forest special to you?
12b) What makes the New Forest special to you? Please tick all that apply.
0 of 300 max characters
13) How could your visit be improved? Please tick all that apply. *
0 of 300 max characters
14) How accessible do you find the New Forest National Park? In terms of information, waymarked trails, visitor attractions and facilities.
0 of 300 max characters
15) How did you find out about things to do / what's on in the New Forest? Select any that apply. *
16) How much of the following information about the New Forest Code did you know? Select any that apply.*
There is a New Forest Code to follow to help look after the Forest
Drive with care – animals on the road!
Take home litter and dog waste
Park only in car parks
Keep your distance from the animals – don’t feed or touch them
No wild camping
Keep dogs under control. Don’t let dogs approach or chase any animals
No fires or BBQs
Stick to the permitted cycle tracks
Help wildlife by keeping to the main tracks
17) How did you become aware of the New Forest code? Select any that apply *
18) Did you know you can be fined for feeding or petting New Forest ponies and donkeys?
19) Did you know you can be fined for using a BBQ, stove or lighting a fire in the open countryside in the New Forest?
20) How welcoming do you find the New Forest National Park?
0 of 300 max characters
22) Where did you hear about the survey? Select any that apply. *
23) Which of the following are you aware of? Select any that apply *
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Please note that the Go New Forest newsletter is hosted by an external website.
The privacy policy for Go New Forest can be found here.
The privacy policy for Forestry England can be found here.

Privacy statement:

This survey is hosted by the New Forest National Park Authority (NPA), with and on behalf of Forestry England and Go New Forest CIC. The information you provide will help to manage the visitor experience and help protect the National Park.

We will process your personal data in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. The lawful basis for processing your information under the GDPR is Article 6(1)(f) where processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests and Article 9(2)(a) consent; meeting our two purposes and duty as a National Park.

Your information will only be used for the purposes of this survey and will be shared with Forestry England and Go New Forest, although we may also share anonymised data with third parties for processing or analysis. The results of the survey will be published anonymously, and no individual respondents will be identifiable. The completed surveys will be stored securely for six months and then deleted from our systems.

The survey provides you with a voluntary option to sign up to emails from the NPA and Go New Forest, to keep you up to date with the survey and other National Park news. If you sign up to emails from the NPA you may withdraw this consent at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the emails or by contacting You can find Go New Forest's privacy policy at You can find Forestry England's privacy policy at

If you consent to your email being entered into the prize draw, we will only use your email to administer the prize draw and to contact the winner(s). We will delete your email once the prize draw has been concluded.

Should you wish to find out more about your information rights and how we use your information please speak to our Information and Data Protection Officer, Further information is available on our website at

Consent *
Thank you

National Park Member


'Your food and litter could harm the ponies and donkeys. Please take your litter home if bins are full.'

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