Trees in conservation areas
A tree with a trunk diameter greater than 75mm at 1.5m above ground level is automatically protected under Section 211 of the town and Country Planning Act 1990 if it grows within a conservation area.
With a few exceptions, it is an offence to prune or fell conservation area protected trees, without first giving the New Forest National Park Authority six weeks’ written notice. Notification forms and information about conservation areas and tree works are available on the website or by contacting the tree officers.
As with Tree Preservation Orders, pruning or cutting down protected trees growing in a conservation area, without giving us prior notification can result in prosecution and a maximum fine of £20,000 for each offence. There may also be a requirement to replace felled trees.
So before undertaking any works to trees in a conservation area you should first check with us to see if the tree is protected and submit a written notification to us.