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Conservation area management plans

Conservation area management plans

Conservation areas are ‘areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance’.  Planning controls are tighter in conservation areas, although in practice this means less in the New Forest as almost exactly the same level of planning control also applies in all national parks.

There is specifically within conservation areas control over the total or substantial demolition of all but the very smallest of buildings.  Also control is exercised over work to trees in conservation areas.

It is the quality and interest of the area, rather than that of individual buildings, which is the prime consideration in identifying a conservation area.

The Authority is also preparing guidance on how conservation areas should be managed, setting down principles that it is hoped can be shared and agreed to by all who do work there.

A full list of conservation areas in the National Park can be viewed by following the link.

Conservation area management

A three part conservation area management framework is being developed by the National Park Authority.

Conservation area character appraisals one for each conservation area, which identifies the special historic and architectural qualities of an area which justify its designation.

Conservation areas management plan covering all conservation areas. A draft plan has been produced on which consultation has taken place.

Conservation area specific management plan covering individual conservation areas. Conservation area specific management plans will follow on from character appraisals and will be completed for all conservation areas in the National Park by 2013.

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