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Public consultations on recreation management

Public consultations on recreation management

Organisations with a remit for protecting the New Forest while enabling people to enjoy it sustainably, held public consultations in 2017 and 2018.

In 2017 over 1,500 individuals and organisations responded to an initial ‘call for views’ consultation to help identify and prioritise the main recreation management tasks. We also considered other information including what had been done in the past, feedback from user groups and forums, available data and evidence, and assessments of existing work programmes, policies and regulations.

You can read the conclusions from the 2017 consultation in the findings report and the next steps report.

In 2018, people were asked to say how effective they thought each of 25 draft recreation management actions would be. Over 1,000 people and organisations responded.

In 2019, after reviewing the consultation results, 22 strategic actions were agreed, and now form the basis for current work programmes.

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