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Volunteering boost for New Forest National Park organisations

Volunteering boost for New Forest National Park organisations


A new wave of volunteers has been signing up to help a wide range of organisations thanks to the New Forest National Park Volunteer Fair and an online volunteer finder tool.

Charities and public sector bodies have seen an increase in people wanting to help thanks to the recent Fair, which welcomed over 600 enthusiasts. Many have since followed up with the individual organisations or gone to the National Park Authority website to check out the wide range of opportunities on offer.

The Fair was held at Brockenhurst Village Hall on 28 January and was officially opened by Sir Julian Lewis MP with CEO of the New Forest National Park Authority Alison Barnes, and last year’s New Forest Awards Young Environmental Champion winner, Jamie Ward.

New Forest Awards Young Environmental Champion 2023, Jamie Ward speaking at the New Forest National Park Volunteer Fair alongside MP Sir Julian Lewis
New Forest Awards Young Environmental Champion 2023, Jamie Ward speaking at the New Forest National Park Volunteer Fair alongside Sir Julian Lewis MP

Over 40 exhibitors took part in the Fair, including Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. Kirsty, from the charity, said: ‘It was a brilliant day. We took the details of four people but gave out half our leaflets.

‘We also had so much engagement including a previous patient agreeing to share her story, linking with a nearby prestigious school, telling a gentleman who had no idea that all the air ambulances weren’t Government-funded all about the charity, linking with Sway News, and someone pledging to donate monthly.

‘I think it is a real asset that all the different charities are mixed together as it means people get volunteering ideas that they perhaps haven’t thought about yet.’

Community First New Forest spoke to 100 people about volunteering. New Forest Transition said 21 people joined them to help with sustainable living activities and Minstead Study Centre reported 15 sign-ups. Citizens Advice New Forest said it had had another fantastic year at the Fair, recruiting seven new volunteers due to join them in the coming weeks.

NPA intern Josh leading a discussion with four teenagers during a Youth for Climate and Nature workshop at the New Forest National Park Volunteer Fair
NPA intern Josh leading a discussion during a Youth for Climate and Nature workshop at the New Forest National Park Volunteer Fair

This year’s Fair was focused on young people and included workshops for 13 to 30-year-olds run by the NPA’s education and youth team, as part of the Youth for Climate and Nature (YouCAN) scheme.

The sessions considered how volunteering can support young people into green careers and included talks from Jamie Ward, Dominik Reynolds who has volunteered in the New Forest for 15 years, and Arun Curson who won Young Environmental Champion in 2022.

Opening the Fair, Jamie said: ‘I think it’s very important that young people care for the New Forest and all the wildlife that is in it. Young people are the future of the Forest and will be hopefully preserving it for many years to come.’ 

Find out more about volunteering in the National Park here.

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