Planning for the future of the New Forest National Park: Have your say on the Local Plan Review
PUBLISHED ON: 3 FEBRUARY 2025The New Forest National Park Authority is inviting people to share their views on development within the New Forest National Park.
An initial six-week public consultation on the review of the National Park Local Plan starts on 4 February and ends on 18 March 2025.
The Local Plan is an essential document that guides new development within the National Park, aimed at meeting local needs, yet conserving what makes the New Forest such a special place. It includes a set of policies based on evidence, national guidelines, and input from those who live and work in the area.
The New Forest National Park is home to 34,000 residents and has a rich built heritage, with over 600 nationally listed buildings. More than 50% of the National Park is designated as being of international importance for nature conservation – the highest proportion of any planning authority in the country. The review of the Local Plan will ensure the right level of protection continues for these special landscapes.
Steve Trow, Chair of the Planning Committee at the New Forest National Park Authority said: ‘The current National Park Local Plan was adopted in 2019 following extensive consultation and independent examination, and we are now looking to update it to ensure it stays relevant and effective.
‘Over the past five years, national planning policy has undergone significant changes, particularly in areas such as the climate and nature emergencies and meeting local housing needs. This partial review is an opportunity to positively address these areas and establish the best possible planning policy framework for the National Park.’
The National Park Authority receives and determines over 500 planning applications every year. These decisions are based on local planning policies that consider the protected landscape, built and cultural heritage, special qualities, local economy, and the needs of the people living within the National Park.
Much of the current Local Plan continues to reflect national planning policy and the legal framework for National Parks, so will remain unchanged. At this stage in the Local Plan review process the National Park Authority is inviting feedback on the local planning policy areas it feels are ‘in scope’ for review.
These include supporting appropriate renewable energy proposals that don’t conflict with the statutory National Park purposes; conserving and enhancing the relative tranquillity of significant parts of the New Forest National Park; and considering the scope for new residential development.
The National Park Authority is also running a ‘Call for Sites’ exercise alongside the Local Plan consultation, asking people to put forward sites to be considered for development through the Local Plan review. This will further support local housing and employment needs.
Communities, residents, landowners, parish councils, businesses, developers and interest groups in the New Forest National Park are all invited to comment on the Local Plan review.
Please submit your comments between 4 February and 18 March 2025:
- Online at
- By post to: Policy Team, National Park Authority, Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG
- Or email
You can also discuss the review of the Local Plan with National Park Authority staff, and give your views at these public drop-in events:
Monday 24 February: Bramshaw Village Hall, 2pm – 7pm
Tuesday 25 February: Hyde Memorial Hall, 1.30pm – 6.30pm
Monday 3 March: Brockenhurst Village Hall, 2pm – 7pm
Friday 7 March: Lyndhurst Community Centre, 2pm – 7pm.
Feedback from this initial consultation will inform a revised draft Local Plan, which is due to be published for further public consultation in late 2025.
The revised draft New Forest National Park Local Plan will be submitted to the Government for independent examination and is due to be formally adopted by the National Park Authority in 2027.