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New Forest code

Thank you for helping us care for this special place by following the simple nine steps of the New Forest Code.

The New Forest is a unique place with rare wildlife and free-roaming livestock and by following the code you can help protect the animals and plants.

  • Keep your distance from the animals – don’t feed or touch them*
  • Take home litter and dog waste
  • No fires, stoves or barbecues*
  • Keep dogs under control. Don’t let dogs approach or chase any animals
  • Park only in car parks
  • No wild camping
  • Stick to the permitted cycle tracks
  • Drive with care – animals on the road!
  • Help wildlife by keeping to the main tracks.

*Failure to comply may result in a fixed penalty of £100 or being taken to court and a fine of up to £1,000. Find out more.

Help share how to care for the Forest with our toolkit including a range of downloads, as well as exhibition posters and videos, so you can print, post and promote the New Forest Code.

Partnership working

Several organisations work together year-round to protect the Forest. Here’s an infographic summarising some of the joint campaigns over the past year. See the files at the bottom of this page for previous years.

An infographic of joint working to protect the New Forest in 2023




Keep your distance from the animals

Take home litter and dog waste

No fires or BBQs

Keep dogs under control

Drive with care – animals on the road

Code partners


New Forest communications

New Forest code working in partnership infographic

Head of Environment and Rural Economy


'To avoid damage and obstruction, please park only in designated car parks, not on a verge or in gateways.'

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