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New Forest code: working in partnership 2023

New Forest code: working in partnership 2023

The New Forest National Park Authority works on a number of joint initiatives with other Forest organisations throughout the year.
Here’s an infographic showing the amazing work we did last year to protect the National Park alongside our partners Forestry England, NFDC, Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire & IOW Fire, NF Roads Awareness, Verderers and Visit New Forest, and our volunteers.
An infographic of joint working to protect the New Forest in 2023
Some highlights include:
  • 7000+ hours of ranger patrols
  • New PSPO powers used to intervene in 150 incidents
  • #NewForestCode seen over 1.7m times on social media
  • 3000+ hours of volunteering to support conservation projects
  • 30 joint patrols with the emergency services
  • Outdoor fires reduced by 30%
  • Thefts from cars in Forest car parks reduced by 50%
  • Litter cleared from over 80km of Forest roadsides
  • Over 40 community litter picking events supported
  • 90 drivers stopped for speeding on Forest roads
  • Spot checks on 196 vehicles carrying waste
Thank you to everyone who helps to care for the Forest year-round!
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