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Green tiger beetle

Green tiger beetle

The green tiger beetle cicindela campestris is common in much of Britain and often spotted by walkers along tracks in dry New Forest heathlands and, to a lesser extent, in woodland.

These powerful hunters are carnivorous, flying in strong sunshine from March to October, but only in numbers up to July. They have long legs to assist with fast running, large eyes and jaws to spot and devour invertebrate prey, fully warranting the name ‘Tiger’.

The larvae dig pits along tracks, in order to set a trap for unsuspecting invertebrates, before pouncing with strong jaws. They typically feed in rotting wood debris in cavities and hollows.

Watch out for these beetles on tracks or more likely, they will be wary of you, flying up from a track and alighting further along.

Beetle green tiger beetle cicindela

 Photos: Paul D. Brock

ID Tip

ID Tip

12-17 mm long, iridescent green, with yellowish spots on the wing cases.

Lead Ranger


'To help ground nesting birds rear their young safely, keep yourself, dogs and ridden horses on the main tracks from the beginning of March to the end of August.'

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