The serotine (Eptesicus serotinus) is one of the UK’s largest bats, and one of the first bats to emerge after sunset.
Serotines prefer to roost in buildings. They occur mainly in the south of England and the very south of Wales.
They are similar to the noctule, in that they are one of the larger bats found in the UK and are one of the first bats to emerge.
Males are solitary throughout the year, but females often roost together, sometimes with pipistrelles.
The species is in decline, potentially due to the loss of habitat for their main food sources: beetles and chafers. A loss of older buildings also means fewer roosting sites are available.
Their population is thought to be declining, with an estimation of 15,000 individuals in 1995. It is thought their range is extending northwards and that they are at a low risk of extinction worldwide.