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Beaulieu Road Sale Yard

Beaulieu Road Sale Yard

Beaulieu Road Sales Yard is the main outlet for commoners to sell their New Forest ponies and the sales are major events in the commoning year.

Auctions are held up to six times per year and are significant events within the New Forest. Sales days have been based at Beaulieu Road for the past 60 years and since 2002, have been organised and administered by the New Forest Livestock Society.

The sales have a vital role to play in sustaining the commoning tradition and provide an ideal opportunity for commoners, associated traders and Forest organisations to meet up, as well as for the wider public to experience first-hand the working culture of the commoning community.

The sales yard has undergone extensive changes in recent years. In 2011 funding was secured to install long awaited mains water and electricity, a toilet block and a lorry and trailer wash down area at the sales yard. A new roof was also installed with funding from Europe and a range of Forest organisations.

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