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Achievements and current work

Achievements and current work

The 22 strategic actions to manage recreation across the New Forest that were agreed in 2019 now provide a clear mandate and focus for multiple strands of work.

Here we highlight some successes, listed against the seven main objectives. A more detailed list of achievements since 2019 (listed against each of the 22 actions) is periodically reviewed by the Recreation Management Strategy Advisory Group.

Objective 1: Convey the things that make the New Forest National Park special to both visitors and local people in more consistent and effective ways, so that they enjoy it, come to value it, want to care for it and do not inadvertently damage it.

Objective 2: Address significant and/or widespread negative impacts caused by recreation in the most appropriate, proportionate and effective ways.

Objective 3: Reduce the barriers that limit participation in beneficial outdoor recreation among those who need it most.

Objective 4: Protect and enhance the New Forest’s working and natural landscape, and improve the recreational experience, by influencing where recreation takes place.

Objective 5: Increase the level of funding available for recreation management so that it is sufficient to address both existing and future needs.

Objective 6: Collate data and evidence to help inform the ongoing management of recreation.

Objective 7: Regularly review progress against agreed recreation management actions and adapt forward plans to protect the special qualities of the National Park and enable people to enjoy and benefit from them.

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