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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Project Aims

Restoring and creating habitats that are more resilient to climate change and in-turn benefit wildlife is key goal of the Green and Blue Horizons scheme.

Volunteers digging up grassy ground
New Forest volunteers hedge planting


Thanks to this funding, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT) has been able to retain the role of a Farmland Adviser alongside, and as part of, the New Forest Land Advice Service (NFLAS)

By using their experience of what works on the ground, the NFLAS is advising and supporting networks and clusters of commoners, farmers, and land managers to work together to develop nature and climate resilience.

This includes facilitating ways to share ideas and knowledge face-to-face and via small groups as well as bringing in other partner organisations and opportunities to learn from experts on a range of subjects such as nature conservation, biodiversity, soil health and quality, and woodland and wetland management.

Five networks and clusters have been identified in the New Forest representing a multitude of small landowners and managers and the uniqueness of the geography and landscape. The aim is to improve collaboration and enhance key ecological features so that we have a nature network capable of delivering landscape scale resilience.

To find out more about the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, follow the link to their website Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

More on Green and blue horizons from city to Forest scheme

A multi-partner scheme which brought an £800,000 investment into the New Forest.

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