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Mary Davies


Parish appointee

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c/o Corporate Services
New Forest National Park Authority
Lymington Town Hall
Avenue Road
SO41 9ZG

Mary Davies

In 2010 I moved to live in Nomansland, with my husband, a number of dogs, and several chickens. My children and grandchildren live in England and Scotland.

I am a farmer’s daughter from central Scotland, with a true passion for the preservation of the countryside, in particular the natural environment and natural habitat.

I’m a past President of Central Scotland Chamber of Commerce, (Forth Valley) and first Lady President of the Rotary Club of Stirling in its 75th year.

Currently a Board Member of the National Custom and Self Build Association (NaCSBA). I also Chair seminars on stage at Grand Designs Live, of which I have been involved for 20 years.

I became a Landford Parish Councillor in September 2021 and was elected as Chair of Landford Parish Council in February 2023 serving on finance, planning, Neighbourhood Watch, play parks and ecological groups. I’m a committee member of Landford Community Partnership and a participant of Community Speed Watch.

My focus is on protecting local communities, as well as the health and welling of our parishioners, respecting the views and needs of our communities and ensuring their voices are heard. Another focus is delivery of sustainable community environments, sustainable homes and raising standards.

National Park Authority Committees and Panels

Planning Committee (Deputy Chair)

Resources, Audit and Performance Committee (Chair)

Represents the Authority on the following external organisations:

Building Design Awards Panel

Sustainable Communities Fund Panel (Chair)

New Forest Business Partnership

New Forest Marque (Reserve)

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