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Resources, audit and performance committee

Resources, audit and performance committee

Our Resources, Audit and Performance Committee was established to take on responsibility, on behalf of the full Authority, for oversight and some management of financial, performance and human and other resource issues, as it would be impractical and time consuming for the full Authority to consider these issues in depth.

The Resources and Performance Committee either considers key issues before reporting to the full Authority for approval or, where provided for in its terms of reference, makes decisions in Committee.

The Committee’s functions include:

  • Financial matters and annual Authority budget
  • Performance monitoring
  • Human and other resources
  • Audit functions.

The Committee shall comprise nine members to be appointed each year at the Annual Authority meeting and who will reflect the overall composition of the Authority in terms of the balance between local authority and Secretary of State appointments.

The Committee shall conduct its business in accordance with the terms of the Authority’s Standing Orders.

Terms of reference

2. Delegated functions

2.1 The Committee’s remit shall cover:

  • Budgets and financial matters
  • Human resource matters
  • Performance against targets and budgets
  • Monitoring complaints
  • Programmes for the development and improvement of the Authority’s performance
  • Monitoring and overseeing Corporate Governance arrangements.

3. Financial matters

3.1 The Committee shall:

a) consider and make recommendations to the Authority on its overall financial strategy, including allocation of resources and budget priorities

b) oversee the preparation of detailed estimates of income and expenditure in accordance with the overall financial strategy and recommend approval of these budgets before the beginning of each financial year

c) approve the Authority’s annual Grant bid to Defra

d) consider and approve the annual Treasury Management Strategy

e) monitor and manage the financial performance of the Authority in relation to agreed parameters; receive and review monthly and quarterly budgetary control reports from the Chief Finance Officer;  and approve any virement and supplementary budget requests

f) oversee the preparation of the Authority’s annual accounts for approval by the Authority

g) receive the District Auditor’s annual Audit and Inspection letter.

4. Human and other resources

4.1  The Committee shall:

a) ensure and oversee the effective and efficient use of the Authority’s human resources

b) approve policies, guidelines and strategies on human resources and any industrial relations matters

c) in so far as such matters are not delegated to officers, oversee activities relating to the employment of the Authority’s staff

d) ensure the Authority properly undertakes its responsibilities for its staff and others relating to welfare, health and safety, working time Directive and pensions provision

e) participate as appropriate in any forum established for consultation with staff and their trade unions on human resourcing issues

f) ensure the effective and efficient management of the Authority’s information technology systems and oversee the development and implementation of any related strategies

g) monitor the acquisition, disposal and management of property, or any other assets and the granting or taking of leases or licences in general;  act on behalf of the Authority in relation to any planning applications it proposes to make.

5. Performance

5.1 The Committee shall:

a) monitor and review the performance of the Authority having regard to any development or Performance Improvement Plan, statutory or other performance indicators set out in the Corporate Plan (Best Value Performance Plan), or agreed service standards and targets, and achievement of organisational, service, cross cutting and policy objectives

b) consider and make recommendations on the Authority’s annual performance indicators

c) consider reports on any Best Value Reviews of services and on any future national park performance assessment or analogous peer reviews

d) receive and consider reports on customer survey/satisfaction

e) receive and consider an annual report on the complaints procedure

f) agree any Performance Improvement Plans.

6. Corporate governance

6.1  The Committee shall receive and consider any reports on the Authority’s corporate governance framework which do not fall under the remit of the Standards Committee.

7. Appointment of sub-committees, panels, working or task and finish groups

7.1  The Committee shall appoint panels, temporary working or task and finish groups relevant to the functions of the Committee and receive reports from them and may request the Authority to establish any relevant sub-committees.

7.2  The Human Resources Case Review Panel is established as a sub-committee with delegated authority to determine, on behalf of the Authority, individual cases of appeal under the Authority’s disciplinary and grievance procedures and such other matters relating to individual members of staff as require determination by the Authority.  It shall meet as and when circumstances require, and comprise three members of the Committee (two local authority appointed members and one Secretary of State appointed member), as agreed by the Chairman of the Committee.

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