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Work experience

Work experience

We actively encourage links with local schools and colleges, and regard quality work placements as an important aspect of our community partnership work.

Each summer we welcome students from local schools for placements lasting for one week. These places are limited and highly popular so please apply early. Please note we sometimes have opportunities throughout the rest of the year but this is case by case.

We believe work experience should enable students to:

  • Have a positive introduction to the world of work.
  • Find out about green career options
  • Learn and apply new skills
  • Interact with adults in the workplace

Work programmes are planned following student interviews, and are likely to include:

  • Shadowing a variety of roles (may involve some site visits in the Forest)
  • Individual projects related to graphic design, press and publicity or website development
  • Administration and creative tasks
  • Assisting Education Officers and Rangers
  • Creating resources for education groups.
How to apply

We ask that students interested in carrying out their work experience with us email a letter of application and CV, or download and complete our application form, to the Education and Youth team at

Please include the following information:

  • Your educational establishment or base
  • Your course and year group
  • When you are looking for your placement to take place and the duration

All applications must give at least eight weeks’ notice before they are due to undertake their placement.

Note: If you are from further afield, you will need to find your own accommodation.

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