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Discharge a condition

Discharge a condition

Planning permissions often have conditions attached that request further details, for example, samples of materials. In these cases, additional information must be submitted to us for formal agreement, sometimes before beginning any development.

How do I make a request to discharge a condition?
Request for approval of planning conditions should be made on the standard 1App form

How much will it cost?
A fee of £43 will be charged for householder extensions, alterations and changes to buildings within the curtilage of a dwelling. This fee also applies to householder construction of fences, walls, car parking and hard standing within the curtilage of a dwelling.

A fee of £145 is payable for any other type of development.

There is no fee for conditions relating solely to Listed Building Consents. If the application was for a listed building consent and planning permission, a fee would apply for the planning permissions as outlined above.

The same charges also apply to requests for confirmation that conditions have been complied with.

What if I have more than one condition to discharge?
The fee is payable per request, so where more than one condition must be discharged on a planning application you can reduce the amount you are charged by submitting the necessary samples/documents in a single visit.

Will I be charged again if you do not approve details submitted for discharge of conditions and I submit revisions or further information?
No. Where exchange of information/correspondence is ongoing a further fee will not be required.

Will I be charged again if I want to revise details already approved for discharge of conditions?
Yes, you would be charged again. There is no ‘free go’ or discount.

What happens if I do not discharge my conditions?
It is important that all conditions that are required to be discharged before the commencement of the development are undertaken, as failure to do so may render the development unlawful and could lead to formal enforcement action by the Authority.

Our development control team will endeavour to reply to your application as soon as possible, although formally they have eight weeks in which to make a decision. After this eight week period an appeal can be made to the Secretary of State. If you have not had a response within eight weeks the fee has to be refunded.

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'Read our guidance notes before applying to save yourself time in the long run.'

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